A Prayer to Depart From Bad Communication


Dear Heavenly Father, we humbly gather before You and approach Your throne of grace with confidence, in the mighty and powerful Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We acknowledge that where two or more are gathered in Your Name, You are in the midst of us, and we thank You for Your presence with us now.

We lift up to You the person we are praying for, who desires to walk away from any conversation that does not glorify You. We ask for Your forgiveness for any times they may have participated in ungodly conversations, and we pray that they would be empowered to make a resolute decision to refrain from negative conversations and to walk away from any conversation that does not honor You.

Father, we ask that You grant them wisdom to redirect conversations that are going in the wrong direction or the strength to remove themselves from them. Help them to be mindful of their words and to speak only what is good and edifying. May they not be ensnared by the devil to talk about things that do not concern them, and may they abide by Your Word to conceal a matter when it has been made known to them.

We declare that they walk in love and that their conversations are pleasing to Your heart. We thank You that the Holy Spirit is with them, enabling them to discern what is right and giving them the courage to speak the truth in love. We pray that Your grace would be upon them as they seek to honor You with their words and actions.

Lord, we believe and receive everything we’ve prayed for and give You all the glory and honor for answering this prayer. We declare this prayer to be done in the wonderful and precious Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Scripture References: Mark 11:20-25, 2 Corinthians 12:20, Ephesians 4:29, Exodus 23:1, Proverbs 18:21, James 1:26, John 10:10.

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